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Iran retaliatory sanctions 

Iran says certain European countries are in no position to preach to others about international law while they do not adhere to such norms and violate human rights. Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan’ani said those Western countries have jailed a large number of Iranian nationals on baseless accusations and without charge. The spokesman said those countries have replaced international conventions with their own political and non-legal rulings. He said they have no respect for prisoners from other countries in their jails. The official said Tehran is compliant with its international obligations and acts based on national and international pledges. On Monday, the European Union slapped sanctions against several Iran judicial authorities over their response to recent riots in the country.

‘No fighter jets for Ukraine’ 

Italy has reaffirmed its all-out support for Kiev, nearly one year into the Russia-Ukraine war. Meloni said the supply of aircraft is not on the table. She said Rome must make such decisions in consultations with its international partners. The Italian official said the West has concentrated on providing Kiev with anti-aircraft defense systems. Italy has supplied cash and weapons to assist Ukraine in the war. It has also agreed to send mobile surface-to-air missile systems to Kiev. The West has provided countless military aid packages to Ukraine worth tens of billions of dollars. Russia has warned that providing such aid to Ukraine will prolong the war.

Afghan assets in US

A judge in the United States has rejected a bid by the families of the 9/11 victims to seize the frozen funds of Afghanistan’s central bank. The Manhattan District Judge said those people are not entitled to seize 3.5 billion dollars of assets belonging to the Afghan central bank to satisfy court judgments they obtained against the Taliban. George Daniels said he was "constitutionally restrained" from finding that the Taliban was Afghanistan's legitimate government. He said US courts lack the power to reach that conclusion. Seven billion dollars of the Afghan central bank funds are frozen at the Federal Reserve Bank in New York. Nearly three thousand people died in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York, northern Virginia, and a Pennsylvania field.

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