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Hezbollah retaliation

Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement says it has carried out new operations against Israeli positions north of the occupied Palestinian territories. In separate statements, the group said it has launched over 200 missiles and drones of various types against Israeli military positions, including newly created army divisions. Hezbollah also said it targeted Kfar Blum kibbutz with Katyusha rockets. The resistance movement says the strikes are in response to the Israeli assassination of a Hezbollah commander on Wednesday as well as the regime's targeting of Lebanese residential buildings. Hezbollah in all its statements reiterates support for Palestinians and says its operations are in solidarity with them. Tensions ran high after Israel announced operational plans for an attack on Lebanon. Hezbollah and Israel have been exchanging fire along Lebanon's southern border ever since the regime launched its genocidal war on the Gaza strip.

Iran presidential runoff vote

Campaigning for Iran’s 2024 presidential runoff election has officially come to an end with less than 24 hours until Friday’s crucial vote. Polls will open at 0430 GMT. Over 61 million people are eligible to cast their ballots in some 60,000 polling stations across the country. Iranian expats will also be able to vote in over 100 countries. People will choose a new president for the next four years. Last Friday’s election headed to a runoff as none of the four candidates managed to garner enough votes to attain the country’s top executive post. Now, Masauod Pezeshkian and Saeed Jalili are in the race. The two contenders have had a week-long intense campaign rallies and meetings. The election has been organized after the tragic death of President Ebrahim Raeisi in a helicopter crash in May.

SCO summit

Iran’s acting president has highlighted the potential of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in expanding regional trade. Addressing the 24th summit of the SCO in Astana, Mohammad Mokhber emphasized that the issue of the national currency in bilateral trade is on the bloc’s agenda to achieve its ultimate goal which is de-dollarization. He also harshly condemned the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza, urging all countries, including SCO members to take practical measures to stop the war and send humanitarian aid to Gaza. Heads of state and leaders from Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India and Pakistan also attended the summit. Members are set to ink 24 cooperation documents. The SCO was founded in 2001 by China and Russia. The Eurasian club aims to discuss security concerns in the West Asia region, and promote a multi-polar world order.

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