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US-Israeli genocide in Gaza

Israel’s relentless airstrikes and artillery fire claimed the lives of more Palestinians across the Gaza Strip nine months into the regime’s genocidal war. Regime attacks in the past day have killed at least 58 Palestinians and injured 179 others. In the north, five Palestinians, including several children, were killed in an attack on a building in Jabalia. In the south, two people were killed in an attack near Khan Yunis, and two others were killed in an attack in the Al-Mawasi neighborhood in western Rafah. In the center, four Palestinians were killed in an attack on the Nuseirat refugee camp. In Gaza City, an attack on a house and a school killed at least 11 Palestinians and injured more than twenty, mostly women and children. Additionally, four Palestinians were killed in an attack on a market in the same city. Since the beginning of the genocidal war, more than 38,000 people have been killed, and nearly 87,500 Palestinians have been injured.

Israel settlement plans

The Palestinian Resistance Movement, Hamas, has strongly condemned Israel’s latest decision to build more than 5,000 new settler units in the occupied West Bank. Hamas calls the move a stark demonstration of the regime’s disregard for all international laws and resolutions. The movement decried the plan as an affirmation of the regime’s continued land grab policy. It also stressed that such fascist decisions will only strengthen Palestinians’ steadfastness and intensify their fight against the occupation on all fronts. The EU's foreign policy chief also condemned the plan, saying the “de facto annexation of Palestinian territories” must stop. Joseph Borrell warned that such measures violate international law and worsen the already tense situation on the ground. Meantime, an Israeli advocacy group, Peace Now, has reported that Israel approved three settlement outposts in the occupied West Bank on Thursday. The group said the latest approvals underscore the annexation occurring in the West Bank.

Iran presidential election

Iranians get ready to cast their ballots in the presidential runoff vote to elect the successor to the late president Ebrahim Raeisi. Polls will open at 04:30 GMT. Over 61 million people are eligible to cast their ballots in some 60,000 polling stations across the country. Iranian expats will also be able to vote in over a hundred countries. People will choose a new president for the next four years. Last Friday’s election headed to a runoff as none of the four candidates managed to garner enough votes to attain the country’s top executive post. Now, Masauod Pezeshkian and Saeed Jalili are in the race. The two contenders have had a week-long intense campaign rallies and meetings. The election was organized after the tragic death of President Ebrahim Raeisi in a helicopter crash in May.

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