Yemen7 years ago
UN seeks probe into boat attack off Yemen’s coast
The United Nations has called for an inquiry into last week's attack on a boat off Yemen's coast that killed 44 people, mostly Somali refugees.
UN seeks probe into boat attack off Yemen’s coast
More7 years ago
Rohingya suffering ‘slow-burning genocide’
The global community has hindered an independent probe of the atrocities against Rohingya Muslims, who are the target of “slow-burning genocide,” an activist says.
Rohingya suffering ‘slow-burning genocide’
Persian Gulf7 years ago
HRW censures UN for inaction against Bahrain
Human Rights Watch voices its deep concerns over the United Nations Human Rights Council’s failure to address the situation in Bahrain.
HRW censures UN for inaction against Bahrain
Interviews8 years ago
‘Israelis enjoy free pass to kill Palestinians’
A commentator says Israel has always enjoyed a free pass to kill Palestinians and there is no repercussions for whatever the Israeli forces do.
‘Israelis enjoy free pass to kill Palestinians’
Interviews8 years ago
‘US seeks to impose its will on UNHRC’
An activist says the United States probable withdrawal from the UNHRC is aimed at forcing President Trump's views on the council but this move will show Washington in a bad light.
‘US seeks to impose its will on UNHRC’
Interviews8 years ago
‘Israel hates being criticized for its crimes’
An activist says the Israelis seek to ethnically cleanse Palestinians without being criticized by others and that the entire function of Zionism is based on racism which is legal under the Israeli system.
‘Israel hates being criticized for its crimes’
Interviews8 years ago
‘US cannot accuse Iran of sending arms to Yemen’
An academic says the United States is in no position to accuse Iran of sending arms to Yemen when it is selling weapons to Saudi Arabia itself.
‘US cannot accuse Iran of sending arms to Yemen’
Interviews8 years ago
‘UN bribed to ignore Saudi rights violations’
A political expert blames the United Nations for failing to stop or even object to the kingdom’s crimes against humanity.
‘UN bribed to ignore Saudi rights violations’
Interviews8 years ago
'KSA to continue Yemen war with US, UK support'
An activist says Saudi will continue its military aggression against Yemen as long as it gets support from the US and UK.
'KSA to continue Yemen war with US, UK support'
Interviews8 years ago
‘US stands firmly behind UK in backing Saudis’
An analyst says the US is standing "four-square" behind London in supporting the Saudis at the the UN Human Rights Council.
‘US stands firmly behind UK in backing Saudis’
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