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US-Israel Gaza genocide

Nearly nine months into the Israeli genocidal war against Gaza, the regime keeps pummeling the Palestinian territory, killing more civilians. In northern Gaza, at least 15 people were killed and several others injured when Israeli warplanes targeted a residential building in Beit Lahia. Rescue operation is still underway to pull victims from under the rubble. Seven Palestinians were also killed in a strike targeting a school sheltering displaced people in the al-Shati refugee camp. Meanwhile, eight Palestinians lost their lives in a similar attack in central Gaza. The occupation forces artillery also fired dozens of shells towards the northeastern areas of the city of Khan Yunis.  More than 37,600 people have been killed since the Israeli regime launched its genocidal war on Gaza in early October, last year. Some 15,000 of those are children.

Fire near Israeli base

A large fire breaks out near an Israeli military base in the occupied West Bank. The fire erupted near the Ofrit military base in Occupied East al-Quds. It then quickly spread towards the base and a nearby hospital. According to Israeli media, dozens of firefighters were dispatched to contain the blaze. The fire has reportedly come under control. Israeli police have yet to confirm the cause of the blaze but are investigating a suspected arson.

Wikileaks founder freed

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange walks free from a US court following a 14-year legal battle over exposing US war crimes in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq. Assange appeared at a court in Saipan, a US pacific territory on Wednesday. The 52-year-old pleaded guilty to violating US espionage law in a deal with Justice Department prosecutors. In return, he was sentenced to time already served in the UK and released to fly to Australia. Assange had been in London’s Belmarsh prison since 2019. He rose to prominence with the launch of Wikileaks in 2006, creating an online whistleblower platform for people to submit classified material anonymously. In 2010, Wikileaks released hundreds of thousands of classified US documents, exposing Washington's war crimes, including killing of civilians by US soldiers in Afghanistan and Syria.

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