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US sexually tortured fmr. Daesh leader al-Baghdadi in military prison: Widow

Slain Daesh leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is shown in this undated TV grab taken from a video released by Al-Furqan media. (File photo by AFP)

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the slain leader of the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group, was subjected to "sexual torture" during his time in US custody back in 2004, claims his widow.

Umm Hudaifa, currently detained in a Baghdad prison, shed light on her life alongside Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, in an interview with BBC published on Monday.

Before he was held in 2004, al-Baghdadi was “religious but not extremist” and “conservative but open minded,” Umm Hudaifa said who is currently under investigation in an Iraqi jail for her ties to Daesh.

She claimed that a year-long detention in US-run Camp Bucca caused a significant change in Baghdadi’s personality, as he was reportedly arrested after founding a militant group to purportedly combat US and allied occupation forces in Iraq. She said that he told her that during his detention, he was subjected to something “you cannot understand.”

Umm Hudaifa also claimed that after being released, Baghdadi exhibited a short temper and frequent outbursts of anger, along with developing psychological issues that she attributed to “sexual torture.”

Meanwhile, Umm Hudaifa is herself suspected of being involved in the sexual enslavement of women and girls abducted by Daesh leaders. She has refuted the claims, asserting that she herself had tried to flee from Daesh, but was forced to return by armed individuals stationed at check posts.

She expressed her deep shock and disgust at the atrocities committed by Daesh, describing them as “inhumane” and “crossing the line of humanity.” She further expressed her feelings of shame towards the violence inflicted upon the Izadi minority group, but denied the accusations directed at her.

This comes as Hamid Yazidi and his niece Soad, who was enslaved, raped and sold several times, have filed a civil lawsuit against Umm Hudaifa, accusing her of colluding in the abduction of Yazidi's two wives, 26 children, and his two brothers and their families by Daesh. Six of Yazidi's children remain missing.

Soad says that Hudaifa played a key role in selecting individuals for servitude, stating that her sister was among the girls chosen by Hudaifa for that purpose.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi announced the establishment of a so-called caliphate in 2014 following the capture of the Iraqi city of Mosul by Daesh.

At that time, Daesh committed genocide against the Izadi people, in addition to hostage-taking, enslavement, and massacres of Muslim civilians in areas under its control. Despite his declaration, Muslims around the world overwhelmingly dismissed his claim.

In October 2019, then-US President Donald Trump announced that the US Special Operations Forces conducted a raid targeting Baghdadi in northwestern Syria, during which the Daesh leader killed himself by igniting a suicide vest.

Experts believe that the US created the Daesh terrorist group and helped it rise and commence its reign of terror and destruction in Syria and Iraq in 2014.

Back in 2016, former US president Donald Trump, who as at the time a Republican presidential nominee, said in a campaign rally that ex-president Barack Obama and Trump's Democratic rival Hillary Clinton founded Daesh.

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