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Sudan fighting 

Renewed gunfire rattles Sudan’s capital Khartoum as intense fighting between the army and the paramilitary group, known as Rapid Support Forces, enters its sixth day. Explosions and gunfire were heard around Khartoum International Airport and the army headquarters as well as neighboring cities of Omdurman and Bahri. Over 300 people have been killed so far. Also millions of civilians have been hit with power cuts and water and food shortages. Sudanese medics have also warned of a catastrophic healthcare situation in the capital where many hospitals were reportedly caught in the crossfire. The deadly conflict erupted on Saturday, after weeks of tensions over the planned integration of the paramilitary group into the regular army. Attempts for a humanitarian ceasefire failed on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Israel settlement expansion 

The Israeli regime has approved plans to build nearly 3,000 new settler units in the occupied West Bank. Media reports say the regime also plans to build 240 units in an ongoing settlement project, north of Al-Quds. Israel has already allocated large sums of money to build roads and infrastructure in the settlement areas. According to Israeli media, new projects aim to connect existing West Bank settlements and attract new settlers. Meanwhile, the Palestinian foreign ministry slammed the Israeli plan, calling it an imperial move and saying it amounts to a declaration of war. Israel has stepped up its settlement expansion since the formation of a new far-right cabinet under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. That is in defiance of international outcry and UN Security Council resolutions. All Israeli settlements are illegal under international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention.

West arming Ukraine 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has urged the visiting NATO chief to help his country with more advanced weapons to fight against Russia. Zelensky made the comments during a joint press conference with Jens Stoltenberg who offered NATO's solidarity with Ukraine. Stoltenberg is on his first visit to Kiev since the start of Russia’s military offensive in Ukraine. The Western military alliance has already given its full backing to Kiev since the war broke out in February last year. The US-led NATO has provided Ukraine with weapons worth billions of dollars and is due to make more such deliveries. Meanwhile, Zelensky also asked NATO to allow his country to be a member of the alliance.

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