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Washington’s ‘divisive policies’ destabilize region, Lavrov says in Pakistan

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (L) bumps elbows with his Pakistani counterpart Shah Mahmood Qureshi in Islamabad on April 7, 2021. (Photo by AP)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says the United States has been promoting divisive strategies that jeopardize security in the West Asia region.

Lavrov was speaking at a joint news conference in Pakistan’s capital, Islamabad, on Wednesday after talks with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi.

Moscow, he said, is against new dividing lines and instead promotes preservation of the existing structure in the region. The foreign minister was making an apparent reference to the US activities in the region.

Lavrov said Russia welcomes dialogue between Pakistan and its arch rival India for the resolution of outstanding disputes.

The Pakistani foreign minister briefed Lavrov on the situation in the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir, which is the bone of contention between Pakistan and India.

Qureshi said Pakistan was after resolution of disputes including over Jammu and Kashmir through peaceful means.

“We hope that Russia will play a role in bringing peace to the region.”

Qureshi said his meeting with Russia’s senior diplomat included a review of bilateral cooperation in the field of energy, security, counterterrorism and defense in particular.

“We will also be enhancing our cooperation within the framework of Shanghai Cooperation Organization,” the Pakistani foreign minister said. 

Russia considers potential production of Sputnik V vaccine in Pakistan

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Russian foreign minister said Moscow viewed the potential production of the Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine in Pakistan as a ‘promising initiative.’

“Such production has already been launched in those countries, which are our foreign partners. It is beginning in India, Korea and Belarus.” 

Lavrov noted that 50,000 doses of the Russian vaccine had been delivered to Pakistan, and another 150,000 doses would be provided soon.

“Of course, Pakistan’s needs are much greater, but so far it is all about the ability to manufacture that vaccine.”

Lavrov was in Pakistan for a two-day official visit on Tuesday after concluding his trip to neighboring India.

Observers maintain that relations between Moscow and Islamabad have come a long way from the Cold War hostility to the current level of cooperation and there is hope for a further expansion of ties in the coming years.

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