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US police declare 'riot' as protesters, officers clash in Portland

Protesters and Portland police face off while dispersing a crowd gathered in front of the Portland Police Bureau North Precinct early in the morning on August 22, 2020 in Portland, Oregon. (Photo by AFP)

US protesters have gathered outside a federal building in the restive city of Portland, Oregon continuing their daily demonstration against racial inequality and police brutality.

Protesters had gathered on early Saturday morning outside the Portland Police Bureau's (PPB) North Precinct  when the Portland Police Department declared the demonstration was a riot.

“Multiple” arrests were made and police fired projectiles to disperse the demonstrators gathered outside the North Precinct Community Policing Center.

Police said in a statement that service vehicles had been damaged, traffic blocked and bottles and eggs thrown at officers. 

One officer had suffered a laceration to her leg, another officer's ankle was sprained, and several others sustained various “bumps and bruises”, according to a police statement. 

The protest was the latest in a string of protests that have been held on a daily basis since the May 25 police killing of George Floyd, a 46-year-old African-American man, who died after a white police officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes.

Protests, including in Portland, have at times erupted into arson and violence, and federal officers sent into the Northwestern city have repeatedly clashed with crowds targeting the federal courthouse there.

US President Donald Trump, who has ordered law enforcement agencies to crackdown on protesters, tweeted Saturday morning that he would send the national guard to Portland if requested.

“Another bad night of Rioting in Portland, Oregon. A small number of Federal troops there to protect courthouse and other Federal property only (great job!). Wanting to be asked by City & State to STOP THE RIOTS. Would bring in National Guard, end problem immediately. ASK!” he said.

Another bad night of Rioting in Portland, Oregon. A small number of Federal troops there to protect courthouse and other Federal property only (great job!). Wanting to be asked by City & State to STOP THE RIOTS. Would bring in National Guard, end problem immediately. ASK!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 22, 2020

Trump has repeatedly described Portland protests as “lawlessness,” and praised the role of federal law enforcement officers during the rallies.

Last month, he announced “a surge of federal law enforcement into American communities plagued by violent crime.”

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