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Electoral platform 'List Gaza' launched in Austria

Austrian Parliament (File Photo)

Palestine Solidarity activists officially launched 'List Gaza', a voice against the genocide, at a press conference in Vienna on Monday. The platform aims to back pro-Palestinian candidates in general elections due on September 29th.

Candidates told Press TV that List Gaza wants to give the people in Australia the opportunity to show support for Palestine at elections because no established political party contests the genocide in Gaza.

I think that this is very important to spotlight the situation in Gaza, and to give voice to the people who are not in line with, or who do not support, the uncritical perspective of the established parties, and who want to have the possibility to vote against it.

Irina Vana, Coordinator, ‘List Gaza’

Various organizations and individuals, such as the Jewish ant-Zionist group, 'Not in Our Name', have been instrumental in forming ‘List Gaza’.

Austria should adapt its foreign policy in order to influence the international community and to start pressuring Israel to stop this genocide in Gaza.

Dalia Sarig, ‘List Gaza’ Candidate

Other aims of the electoral platform are defending democracy, social justice and human rights in Austria and immediately stopping the European Union's military, economic and political support for Israel.

I come from the Congo, the genocide that is happening in the Congo is linked to the genocide that is happening in Palestine and it is very important that we understand that all these oppressions are linked and intersectional.

There is a businessman called Dan Gertler that makes billions and billions of dollars exploiting the resources in the Congo. And this money is funneled to the Israeli offensive forces or occupying forces.

And this is something that I would like to highlight, so stopping the oppression in Palestine is stopping the oppression in Congo is stopping oppression worldwide.

Patrick Bongola, ‘List Gaza’ Candidate

To be on the ballot in all nine federal states of Austria 'List Gaza' must collect 2,600 signatures by the end of July in support of its electorate. General elections will be held in Austria on September 29.

A conservative green coalition currently rules the country. The government has voted three times against the ceasefire in Gaza at the UN General Assembly.

No political party condemns the genocide in Gaza. This was the message at today's press conference.

So Palestine Solidarity activists launched 'List Gaza' in a bid to contest the general elections in September.

The first aim is to rally the necessary support to be on the ballot paper in all nine federal states in Austria.

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