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US, allies' attempts to isolate Russia a total failure: Lavrov

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says the latest attempts by the United States and its Western allies to isolate Moscow have so far been a complete failure.

Addressing the online Global Conference on Multipolarity on Saturday, Lavrov said that efforts by Washington and its allies “to reverse the course of history and force the international community to live up to a ‘rules-based world order’ have failed.”

"I mention yet the complete failure of the West's line to isolate Russia,” he told the event which gathered over 100 experts from more than 60 countries, including China, Brazil, and India.

“The majority of the world's states, where about 85 percent of the world's population lives, do not want to pull the chestnuts out of the fire for former colonial metropolises," Lavrov added.

The Russian foreign minister also noted that “it is necessary for everyone to acknowledge the irreversibility of the polycentric system of global governance.”

“It is in everyone's interest to make sure that a multipolar architecture is based not on a balance of fear, but on a balance of interests," he added.

Lavrov further said that China could currently be recognized as the world's leading economic power.

Earlier this year, Lavrov accused Washington of pushing its own businesses and those of its allies to “decouple” from China.

On Friday, President Vladimir Putin also denounced what he described as the "economic aggression" that is being practiced by the "collective West" against Russia.

The West, led by Washington, has been imposing numerous rounds of sanctions against Russia since last February when Moscow launched a military campaign against its neighbor Ukraine.

Moscow has denounced both the bans and the West's incessant arming of Ukraine as counterproductive measures that would only prolong the conflict.

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