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Qur'an desecration in Sweden

Iran and Turkey have strongly condemned the burning of a copy of the holy Qur’an by a right-wing Swedish-Danish politician in Stockholm. Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman said the move is a clear example of spreading hatred and violence against Muslims. Nasser Kan'ani slammed Swedish authorities for allowing the desecration of Islam’s holy book. He said such sacrilegious acts cannot be justified under the false pretext of advocating freedom of speech. Turkey also reacted to incident, saying a planned visit by Swedish defense minister to the country has been cancelled.

Tanks for Ukraine

Germany is under fire for its refusal to send Leopard tanks to Ukraine, with Kiev saying that the delay is claiming more Ukrainian lives. A senior advisor to President Volodymyr Zelensky has urged the country's Western allies to think faster on sending battle tanks. Mykhailo Podolyak, however, expressed optimism about the military aid, arguing that fighting is the only option. Meanwhile, the Baltic states of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania issued a joint appeal, urging Berlin to provide Kiev with tanks now. Germany has been hesitant to send the tanks or allow other nations to transfer them. It has linked its position on the Leopards to US reluctance to transfer its own tanks. A NATO summit was held on Friday to discuss the issue, but failed to break the deadlock. That’s while, Russia says Western tanks won’t stop the advances of its forces. 

Spain protest

Thousands of Spaniards have thronged central Madrid to protest against the socialist government of Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. An estimated thirty thousand people were present in the city’s main square, chanting slogans against Sanchez and calling on him to resign. Over one hundred associations, including the opposition conservative party, had called the rally under the slogan "for Spain, for democracy and the constitution." They accuse the premier of undermining the issues that threaten the country, including the pro-independence movement in the wealthy northeastern Catalonia region. In 2021, the Sanchez government pardoned nine Catalan leaders who were jailed over a failed independence bid. The government’s recent decision to replace sedition with other offences with a lesser penalty has also angered right-wing groups. 

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