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"No normalization with Israel"

The secretary-general of the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah says both Israel and the US were forced to accept a recently-signed maritime deal with Lebanon. Nasrallah hailed the maritime deal as a historic and major victory for Lebanon. The Hezbollah leader added the US was under pressure since their priority was the Ukraine war. He cited American officials’ who said they cannot tolerate another war in the region. The Hezbollah chief said Americans lobbied to pressure everybody during the negotiations, but Lebanese officials stood fast on their stance. Nasrallah added that the maritime agreement has nothing to do with the so-called normalization with the Tel Aviv regime. Israel and Lebanon officially approved an agreement on Thursday, laying out their maritime boundaries. The deal allows them to conduct offshore energy exploration from Karish gas field.

Palestinian killed in West Bank

At least one Israeli settler has been killed and four others injured in a shooting attack in the occupied West Bank city of Al-khalil, also known has Hebron. According to Israeli media, a Palestinian was among the four wounded. They claimed that the operation was carried out by a Palestinian attacker who was subsequently shot dead by Israeli forces. The Israeli army says it is conducting a sweep of the area for additional suspects. The latest operation comes as the occupied territories have seen a steep rise in shooting operations by Palestinians in recent weeks. The shooting also comes just days before Israel is to hold its fifth general elections in less than four years. Palestinian resistance movements, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, hailed the al-Khalil operation. Hazem Qasem, a Hamas spokesman, said the operation proves the resistance in the West Bank can surprise the occupation forces at any place. He added that the resistance bullets are a practical response to the Zionist regime’s settlement expansion in the West Bank.

Seoul human crush

At least 151 people have been killed in a stampede in the South Korean capital, Seoul. Officials say over 150 others, including foreigners, were injured in the incident and transferred to nearby hospitals. They say the death toll could rise as some of the injured are in critical condition. According to the fire department, most of those killed are in their teens and 20s. The incident happened after a huge crowd poured into a central district of Seoul for the Halloween festivities. South Korean President Yon Suk-yeol has ordered a task force be set up to treat the injured. He has also declared a national mourning period and ordered a thorough investigation into the cause of the disaster.

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