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Pakistanis mark Iranian poet Hafez Shirazi Day

Nasir Kazmi

Press TV, Islamabad

Iran’s cultural consulate in Islamabad organized a seminar to mark the anniversary of the great Iranian poet of his time Khajeh Shamas-ud-din Mohammad, also known as Hafez Shirazi.

Iran’s cultural counselor in Pakistan, Ehsan Khazaei as well as other Iranian officials attended the event. Also prominent scholars, researchers, civil society activists, and poets along with people from different walks of life took part in the seminar.

Addressing the event, the participants shed light on the life and teachings of the great poet. They said Hafez’ works are not confined to a certain era as people today read his poems all around the world. They touched upon the fact that his poems are still open to more in-depth studies as they convey sublime messages.

Religious scholars say Hafez was one of the greatest followers of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad and his companions. Hafez has highlighted the great importance of the teachings of Muhammad through his poems.

The participants of the seminar were in favor of the idea that the great Iranian poet is among the most often translated poets in the present time and his works continue to resonate with modern-day readers.

It is highly believed that Hafiz Shirazi's poetry not only played a significant role in spreading the real message of Islam among Muslims around the world but the work of this great Persian poet also teaches us how to get the most out of our lives.

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