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Afghans mark first anniversary of US airstrike that killed 10 civilians

Abdullah Amirzada
Press TV, Kabul

Afghans are marking the first anniversary of a deadly US airstrike that killed 10 civilians including seven children.

The final act of terror by the US, before ending its 20-year occupation of Afghanistan was targeting a civilian car with a missile and killing 10 members of a family last year. Two-year-old Somayeh was the youngest, and six other victims were under eighteen. Three adults were also among the fatalities. This deadly strike took place by the US forces amid their evacuation following the Taliban's return to power.

US officials tried so hard not to utter the word civilians at first, but later they confessed that the strike was a mere mistake taking the lives of ten innocent people.

According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, more than 900 civilians have been killed in US airstrikes since 2015 in Afghanistan and so far no one has been held accountable.

The drone strike that took the lives of seven children and three adults showed once more that the victims of the US missions are mostly innocent civilians.

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