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In Numbers: Death, destruction, displacement in Gaza after 365 days of genocide

By Maryam Qarehgozlou

As the besieged Gaza Strip marks the first anniversary of the genocidal war waged by the Israeli regime, a report reveals the massive scale of death and devastation.

The unrelenting Israeli carnage persists, claiming innocent lives, decimating critical civilian infrastructure, and exacerbating the already dire humanitarian situation with no end in sight.

The comprehensive report from the Civil Defense Directorate of Gaza, which corresponds with data shared by Gaza's health ministry, meticulously documents the appalling consequences of Israel’s year-long deadly onslaught on the Gaza Strip.

The chilling figures portray the scale of devastation, including the eradication of hundreds of Palestinian families from civil records, the killing of children, health workers, and journalists, and the systematic annihilation of educational, cultural, and religious sites, along with vital infrastructure.

A detailed breakdown of the report is provided below.

3,654 massacres

The Israeli military has committed at least 3,654 massacres in the Gaza Strip in the past year.

The sweeping attacks in Gaza on the pretext of “eliminating Hamas” and other resistance groups are in reality aimed at exterminating and ethnically cleansing the entire population. 

The incessant bombings, home demolitions, and blockades are Israel’s genocidal tactics designed to collectively punish Palestinians and dissuade them from resisting Israel's decades-long occupation.

41,870 Gazans martyred, 10,000 went missing

The massacres perpetrated by the Israeli regime have claimed the lives of 41,870 Palestinians so far. The toll keeps mounting each day.

Israel’s disproportionate bombing of Gaza has also left an estimated 10,000 Palestinians trapped under the wreckage of their homes, sparking fears of a more devastating death toll.

902 Gaza families erased from civil records

The Israeli genocidal war has resulted in the erasure of 902 families from government-maintained civil records, with all members of these families killed in the past year in Gaza.

Gaza media office revealed earlier this month that the Israeli military exterminated 1,364 Palestinian families by killing all their members, leaving only one individual per family, and similarly wiped out 3,472 Palestinian families, leaving just two individuals per family.

16,927 children slaughtered in Gaza

Children have borne the worst brunt of this genocide that completed one year on Monday. 

Of the total number of martyrs, 16,927 are children including 171 newborns -- born and killed during Israel’s genocidal war -- and 710 children under one year.

According to the Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCIP), one child is killed every 15 minutes in the Israeli bombings of Gaza.

Malnutrition killed 36 people

As a result of Israel’s deliberate chokehold on aid into Gaza, particularly food material, 36 Palestinians, mainly children, have lost their lives due to hunger and malnutrition over the past year. 

According to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), over 50,000 children in Gaza continue to be in urgent need of medical treatment for acute malnutrition.

11,487 Gaza women killed during war

The indiscriminate nature of the Israeli onslaught resulted in the killing of 11,487 women. 

According to the United Nations, Palestinian women and children have been disproportionately affected by the ongoing Israeli onslaught on Gaza, with devastating consequences for their health, safety, and well-being.

Israel kill 986 medical staff in Gaza

Among the victims are also 986 medical personnel, making up nearly 1 in every 40 known victims.

The killing of health workers has a ripple effect on the health system, leading to increased workloads for remaining staff and reducing the availability of healthcare services for those in need.

Israel’s targeted attacks on hospitals and workers constitute a violation of international humanitarian law and have had a devastating impact on the Palestinian population in Gaza.

175 journalists, 85 civil defense officers massacred

Israeli occupation forces have also targeted journalists in the besieged Gaza Strip, killing at least 175 of them, along with 85 civil defense officers.

In the latest case, Hassan Hamad, 19, was targeted in his home in Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza on Sunday, weeks after receiving threatening messages warning him to stop reporting Israeli attacks on Palestinians.

According to the International Federation of Journalists, the mortality rate for media workers, including journalists, in Gaza is over 10 percent.

Seventy-five percent of all reporters killed in the world in 2023 were killed between October 7 and the end of last year in the Gaza Strip.

97,166 Palestinians injured

The Israeli genocidal assaults have also left 97,166 Palestinians injured with children and women accounting for a staggering 69 percent.

Among the injured are 396 journalists and media personnel.

Countless individuals are suffering from life-altering injuries, yet access to crucial rehabilitation services remains largely out of reach for all of them.

The region’s shattered healthcare infrastructure, coupled with ongoing restrictions imposed by the Israeli blockade, has created a dire situation for those in need of physical and psychological support.

520 martyrs retrieved from 7 mass graves

At least 520 martyrs have been retrieved from seven mass graves inside Gaza hospitals so far. 

In May, disturbing reports emerged of mass graves being uncovered in Gaza hospitals, months after Israel laid siege on them, unfoundedly claiming they were being used as “Hamas command centers.”

Palestinian officials said several bodies showed signs of mutilation and torture amounting to war crimes of the Israeli regime.

187 shelters targeted

Tragically, even shelters provided to nearly 2 million internally displaced Palestinians have not been spared, with at least 187 shelters targeted and destroyed by the Israeli military.  

In the last two days alone, the Israeli military targeted at least 27 shelters across the Gaza Strip.

25,973 children lost their parents

The genocidal war on Gaza has also left an estimated 25,973 children who have lost one or both parents or are separated from them amid the bombings.

Many of these children have been displaced multiple times, with some being forced to flee their homes.

3,500 children at risk of death, malnutrition

The situation for children in the besieged Palestinian territory is further exacerbated by the limited access to essential services, such as medical care and food, leaving 3,500 children at risk of death, malnutrition and other serious health issues.

152 days of closure of all Gaza border crossings

The situation in Gaza remains dire as border crossings, including the vital Rafah crossing in southern Gaza, have all been seized or closed by Israeli forces for 152 days.

These forced closures have effectively cut off essential aid and humanitarian assistance to over 2.3 million Palestinian civilians, exacerbating the already desperate conditions within the territory.

12,000 injured Palestinians need treatment abroad

Israel’s deliberate destruction of healthcare infrastructure and specialized medical services in Gaza has left 12,000 injured Palestinians with no choice but to seek treatment abroad.

However, the ongoing aggression and Israel’s tight restrictions on movement have forced individuals who have sustained severe injuries to stay in the region.

15,500 patients in need of treatment

Israel’s ongoing massacres and blockade of Gaza have created a desperate situation for 15,500 Palestinian patients, including 12,500 cancer patients, who are in urgent need of medical care.

Cancer patients and those suffering from other life-threatening conditions are trapped within the region, unable to access vital treatment outside of Gaza.

Also, Israel’s stringent restrictions on the import of goods to Gaza have created a dire situation for 35,000 patients with chronic diseases who rely on medication for their treatment.

1,737,524 cases of infectious diseases in Gaza

Nearly 1,737,524 cases of infectious diseases have been documented in Gaza since the Israeli regime launched the genocidal war on Gaza.

There has particularly been a significant increase in cases of hepatitis infections in the territory, with at least 70,338 people affected since the war began.

This alarming figure is a stark contrast to 85 cases reported in the preceding 10-month period from October 2022 to July 2023.

According to health experts, the high number of cases is due in part to unclean water, unsanitary conditions, the collapse of the healthcare system in the region and the displacement of Palestinians.

Many experts believe that the actual number of people suffering from infectious diseases may be much higher than the reported figures.

60,000 pregnant women at greater risk

At least 60,000 pregnant women in Gaza face a range of risks and challenges amid the ongoing genocidal war, blockade, and poor healthcare infrastructure in the region.

The shortage of medical supplies, equipment, and trained healthcare professionals makes it difficult for pregnant women to receive adequate prenatal care, which is essential for the health of newborns.

The blockade in Gaza has led to severe food shortages and poor nutrition, which can increase the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

5,000 Gazans abducted by Israel

The Israeli regime has also abducted 5,000 Palestinians from Gaza amid the year-long war, including 310 medical staff and 36 journalists, whose identities have not been revealed.

They are being held in inhumane and horrific conditions, with verified reports of torture and abuse.

According to testimonies by former Palestinian detainees provided to rights groups, they were stripped naked, held in cages, and beaten by the regime forces.

Others reported being subjected to stress positions, prolonged cuffing, and blindfolding.

There have also been reports of rape and sexual abuse inside Israeli prisons, as well as denial of medical care and poor detention conditions that only makes the ordeal worse.

Two million people displaced

At least two million people, representing nearly 90 percent of Gaza’s population, have been internally displaced since the onset of the war.

The displacement of Palestinians in Gaza is a direct result of Israeli genocidal policies and actions, including never-ending evacuation orders and relentless deadly attacks.

These actions have not only caused widespread destruction of homes, infrastructure, and livelihoods but have also forced families to flee their homes in search of safety.

Many of these displaced Palestinians have been left without shelter, basic necessities, and access to essential services.

100,000 tents in Gaza unfit for living

More than 100,000 tents provided to the displaced Palestinians in Gaza are in a state of disrepair, with holes in the tarpaulin exposing families to harsh weather conditions.

Other makeshift shelters in Gaza are overcrowded, with the lack of privacy and sanitation facilities further compounding the misery of these families, making their living conditions unbearable.

204 Gaza government buildings destroyed

Over 204 government buildings have been demolished due to indiscriminate airstrikes, significantly hindering the region’s administrative capacity.

The Israeli military has inflicted significant damage on Gaza’s civilian infrastructure, falsely claiming that they are being used by resistance groups for military purposes.

However, the regime has so far failed to provide any shred of evidence to support them.

The widespread and massive destruction of civilian infrastructure has had a devastating impact on the daily lives of people in Gaza.

The colossal damage to roads, bridges, and power plants has severely restricted movement and access to essential services such as healthcare, education, and water.

462 schools, universities destroyed

Educational institutions have not been spared either, with more than 125 schools and universities completely destroyed, and 337 others sustaining partial damage.

According to the Education Cluster, a collection of aid groups led by UNICEF and Save the Children, about 90 percent of Gaza’s 307 public school buildings and all 12 universities have been damaged or destroyed in Israeli attacks.

These schools and universities were also serving as shelters for thousands of displaced Palestinians.

12,700 Palestinian students, 880 teachers, school staff killed

The devastating consequences of Israel’s unchecked aggression in Gaza are taking a particularly heavy toll on the territory's education sector.

Over 12,700 Palestinian students have tragically lost their lives in the attacks.

The impact on educational professionals has been equally dire, with 750 teachers and educational workers killed and 130 university professors, researchers, and scientists executed by Israeli forces.

785,000 students deprived of education

An estimated 785,000 male and female students have been deprived of their education for yet another year due to the genocidal Israeli war.

UNICEF recently reported that 45,000 first-graders in the coastal territory were unable to commence their schooling this year amid relentless bombings.

Additionally, 39,000 students missed their final year exams, potentially compromising their prospects.

Lack of education access increases risks of exploitation, child labor, early marriage, and abuse, while also raising the likelihood of permanent school dropouts.

For younger children, the lack of schooling can hamper cognitive, social, and emotional growth, further compounded by the negative impacts on mental health and well-being observed by parents.

814 mosques, 3 churches destroyed

Israeli attacks have resulted in the complete destruction of at least 814 mosques out of 1,245 mosques, and severe damage to an additional 148, requiring extensive reconstruction.

Furthermore, three churches have also been destroyed in Israeli bombings.

A recent report by the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights titled “Cultural Genocide” highlighted Israel’s extensive destruction of historical sites and cultural properties in Gaza.

Data showed that Israeli forces deliberately demolished approximately 206 archaeological and historical sites, including ancient mosques, churches, markets, and neighborhoods.

Additionally, numerous educational and cultural institutions have also been targeted, resulting in significant loss of manuscripts, murals, castles, and artifacts.

19 cemeteries destroyed, 2,300 bodies stolen

19 out of 60 cemeteries across the Gaza Strip were damaged, either partially or completely.

Israeli forces also stole the bodies of 2,300 Palestinians from the destroyed cemeteries.

430,000 residential buildings destructed

The widespread destruction in Gaza, inflicted by incessant Israeli strikes, has left a staggering 150,000 housing units completely demolished, while an additional 80,000 homes have been extensively damaged, rendering them uninhabitable.

Furthermore, approximately 200,000 housing units have sustained partial damage, illustrating the immense scale of devastation and displacement forced upon the civilian population in Gaza.

80 tons of explosives dropped on Gaza

An estimated 85,000 tons of explosives have been dropped on the besieged territory.

To put this into perspective, the destructive power unleashed by Israel on Gaza is equivalent to six Hiroshima atomic bombs, showcasing the devastating impact on the area and its inhabitants.

276 health facilities, 131 ambulances targeted

Despite their crucial role and protected status under international humanitarian law, health facilities have not been spared from Israeli airstrikes either.

The impact of the genocidal war on Gaza’s healthcare infrastructure has been devastating, with 34 hospitals rendered inoperable and 162 health institutions, along with 80 health centers, targeted and destroyed by Israeli forces.

Additionally, 131 ambulances have been targeted over the past year, further crippling the already strained medical services.

3,130 km of electricity networks destroyed

The extensive destruction in Gaza has resulted in the demolition of 3,130 kilometers of electricity networks, leaving many communities without power and essential services.

The electricity crisis in Gaza has had a severe impact on the health sector, with hospitals at risk of closure as fuel supplies for generators are depleted.

It has also led to a lack of safe drinking water and poor sewage treatment, increasing the risk of waterborne diseases for over 2.3 million people.

330,000 meters of water networks destroyed

Israeli attacks have wreaked havoc on critical infrastructure, with 330,000 meters of water networks damaged or destroyed, exacerbating the already dire humanitarian crisis in the region.

This has severely impacted access to clean water for Gaza’s 2.3 million residents, forcing many to rely on polluted seawater for bathing, washing or even drinking.

655,000 meters of sewage networks impacted

The year-long genocidal war has taken a heavy toll on sanitation services, as 655,000 meters of sewage networks have been severely impacted, posing serious health risks to the population.

According to the world body, all of Gaza’s five wastewater treatment facilities, desalination plants, sewage pumping stations, wells, and reservoirs have been destroyed in Israel's incessant bombings.  

Israel’s unrestrained offensive in Gaza has also destroyed 700 water wells.

The destruction of these critical infrastructure components has exacerbated the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, with residents lacking access to clean water and relying on polluted sources for daily needs.

2,835,000 meters of road and street networks decimated

Gaza’s transportation system has been crippled by the decimation of 2,835,000 meters of road networks, hindering the delivery of aid and emergency services and impeding the mobility of civilians.

The damage to infrastructure has compounded the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, as it has become increasingly difficult to transport essential supplies, such as food, medicine, and water, to those who need them most significantly in northern parts.

It created a complex and challenging environment for humanitarian organizations and aid workers, exacerbating the suffering of Palestinians and hindering efforts to provide relief and support.

36 recreational facilities destroyed

Additionally, 36 recreational facilities, including playgrounds and sports halls, have also been destroyed amid the Israeli genocidal war, depriving the population of essential community spaces.

86 percent of Gaza ravaged 

Overall, a staggering 86 percent of the Gaza Strip has been ravaged by Israel, with preliminary estimates indicating a colossal $35 billion in direct losses due to this genocidal war.

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