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Ukrainian soldiers refusing to fight

Johnny Miller
Press TV, Donetsk 

Russia is currently pounding the Donbas with its overwhelming air and artillery superiority. On the ground, Ukrainian soldiers post videos on social media from underneath the barrage.

With each passing day the odds of these soldiers surviving dwindle, as President Zelensky today made the staggering statement that between 60-100 Ukrainian soldiers are dying every day. With another 500 wounded.

As this conflict began, many voices from around the world stated that it was the West's plan to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian. Well, many Ukrainians now are refusing to head into the hellstorm that is Donbas and to risk as they say certain death.

In an underreported phenomenon in the last week I have seen more than half a dozen videos posted by Ukrainian units in which they declare they are refusing to fight. They say they are not being adequately trained or equipped. That their commanders are not going with them. And that they are being used as cannon fodder.
This is the 115th brigade. After refusing to fight they were arrested for desertion.

The Ukrainian armed forces can largely be defined as composing of three groups. The neo-nazi or far right militias, the highly trained soldiers backed by the foreign mercenaries. And then, the national guard. 

In order to make up for their huge losses, Ukraine is increasingly calling up its reserves. And since the beginning of russia's invasion, men of military age are not allowed to leave the country.

While Ukrainian government propaganda, relentlessly claims that the fight for Donbas is worth it. Many Ukrainians would rather live in peace, even if it means territorial concessions.

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