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Taliban warn Pakistan of 'bad consequences' after rocket attacks

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid addresses a press conference at the government media and information center in Kabul, on November 10, 2021. (File photo by AFP)

The Taliban in Afghanistan have slammed neighboring Pakistan for allegedly ordering deadly rocket attacks in Afghan districts along the border.

In a tweet on Saturday, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid called "on the Pakistani side not to test the patience of Afghans on such issues and not repeat the same mistake again otherwise it will have bad consequences.” 

1/2- The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan strongly condemns Pakistan's attacks on refugees in Khost and Kunar.

IEA calls on the Pakistani side not to test the patience of Afghans on such issues and not repeat the same mistake again otherwise it will have bad consequences.

— Zabihullah (..ذبـــــیح الله م ) (@Zabehulah_M33) April 16, 2022

Also on Saturday, Taliban officials also summoned Pakistan's ambassador to Kabul in protest to the deadly rocket attacks.

"Military violations including those in Khost and Kunar must be prevented as such acts deteriorate relations," said a statement released by Afghanistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The statement, however, did not elaborate on the nature of the attacks.

Meanwhile, a local Taliban leader in Khost, Mawlawi Mohammad Raes Helal, said Khost and Kunar were bombed by Pakistani helicopters.

He claimed 36 people had been killed in the Pakistani attacks.

Pakistan has not confirmed whether it carried out the attacks in Afghanistan.

However, Pakistan's Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Sunday warning the Afghan officials against harboring anti-Pakistan militants.

"Terrorists are using Afghan soil with impunity to carry out activities inside Pakistan," the Pakistani Foreign Ministry said in protest.

“In the last few days, incidents along Pak - Afghan Border have significantly increased, wherein, Pakistani security forces are being targeted from across the border,” it added.

Seven Pakistani soldiers died in an ambush near the border last week.

The deadly attack was claimed by the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, or TTP, a banned terrorist outfit based along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.

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