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Israeli forces kidnap several Palestinians across West Bank

Israeli forces deployed amid clashes with Palestinian protesters in the city of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank, on September 10, 2021. (File photo by AFP)

Israeli forces have kidnapped several Palestinians during raids in various areas across the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian Information Center cited local sources as saying that the Israeli forces detained six Palestinians in the West Bank city of Qalqilya on Sunday.

The kidnapped Palestinians were identified as Anas Salman, Mujahed Mardawi, Ahmed Odeh, Ali al-Jada, Anas Hassan Salman, and Hamza Mardawi.

Emad Shahin and Yousef Abu Nab were kidnapped in Wad Sa’ir, east of the West Bank city of al-Khalil (Hebron), and occupied al-Quds, respectively.

Three young men were also nabbed in the village of Deir Abu Da’if, east of the West Bank city of Jenin, during the early morning raids.

The Israeli troops stormed al-Bireh City on Sunday, sparking clashes with Palestinian residents which left two Palestinian teenagers injured.

They also stormed Jabel at-Taweel neighborhood in al-Bireh and raided several homes, but no detentions were reported.

The Israeli military frequently carries out wide-ranging kidnapping campaigns across the West Bank under the pretext of searching for “wanted” Palestinians.

More than 7,000 Palestinians are reportedly held in Israeli jails. Hundreds have been incarcerated under the so-called administrative detention, which allows detaining Palestinians in Israeli prisons without trial or charge.

Some Palestinian prisoners have even been held in administrative detention for up to eleven years.

In recent months, six Palestinian inmates have gone on hunger strike to protest Israel’s illegal administrative detention policy.

Thousands of Palestinian prisoners on Sunday rejected meals in solidarity with the six fellow inmates.

Elderly woman kidnapped over alleged knife possession

On Sunday afternoon, the Israeli forces also kidnapped an elderly Palestinian woman at the Qalandia checkpoint, north of al-Quds.

According to Israeli media reports, the Israeli soldiers kidnapped the 60-year-old woman on the allegation that she was carrying a knife.

Many Palestinians have sustained injuries or lost their lives due to allegations that they attempted stabbing or car-ramming attacks.

Israeli troops have on numerous occasions been caught on camera brutally killing Palestinians, with the videos going viral online and sparking international condemnation.

Tel Aviv has been criticized for its extensive use of lethal force and extrajudicial killing of Palestinians who do not pose an immediate threat to its forces or to settlers.

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