Statistically speaking, by the end of today, 20 US soldiers or officers who have been in Afghanistan or Iraq will havetaken their own lives. Interestingly, this suicide rate doesnt appear to affect the warmongering leaders, politicians or profiteers who send the soldiers to war, but Idigress. Yes, according to the New York Times, over the past six years more than 45,000 U.S. soldiers have committed suicide.
Remember President George W. Bush? He was the President once. He said "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."Well that sounded like a error of phraseology at the time. But he wasnt kidding. His country really has found new ways to harm itself and its people.
If you look at the statistics again, you will find out that the Taliban killed under 2,000 US soldiers in Afghanistan over 20 years, while the suicide rate is almost four times that every year! Frankly, the best strategy the Taliban could adopt is just making the American military get really depressed by stealing their sunglasses and sun cream or mocking their love of Country & Western music and then lettingthe US soldiers do the rest.
The suicide crisis is so acute that when the US Department of Defence declares, "Our top priority is saving our soldiers" its not clear if they mean saving them from the enemy or saving them from themselves. Soldiers are now going under new courses where they can learn the way that armies are supposed to work, and that youve got more chance of winning a war if your personnel focus on killing the other side.
So, for the time being, the Department of Defense is concentrated on defending its own forces; it's good news for the rest of the world because hopefully that means the USisnt planning to attack anyone else until further notice.