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Trump's reelection will lead to 'chaos' in US

US President Donald Trump calls reporters for questions during a press conference at the White House on September 4, 2020, in Washington, DC. (Photo by AFP)

A group of Washington insiders have revealed that the reelection of US President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election will result in "chaos" in the United States.

The “bipartisan” group called the Transition Integrity Project (TIP), which includes neoconservative Republicans and establishment Democrats, have spent months “simulating” possible election outcomes and their aftermath.

The TIP simulated not only how Republicans could use every option at their disposal to “hold onto power”, but also how Democrats could do so if the November election did not go in their favor.

The group ran a kind of political “war game” where veteran Democrats role-played as the Joe Biden campaign and veteran Republicans acted as the Trump team.

The TIP came up with multiple catastrophic “doomsday” scenarios, if Biden were to lose the vote.

One of the scenarios examined what would happen in the event of a “clear Trump win.” The “clear Trump win" scenario also resulted in disruption and chaos, according to TIP's assessment.  

All the scenarios showed that if Trump were reelected by any margin, the current political tensions in the United States would be greatly exacerbated, eventually resulting in "chaos" and  a constitutional crisis in the US.

“We anticipate lawsuits, divergent media narratives, attempts to stop the counting of ballots, and protests drawing people from both sides,” TIP wrote in report summarizing their findings. “The potential for violent conflict is high, particularly since Trump encourages his supporters to take up arms.”

Trump confessed last month that he would bring chaos to the country if Biden were to win the presidency.

The TIP consists of over 100 current and former senior government and campaign leaders, academics, journalists, polling experts and former federal and state government officials.

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