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Judiciary chief: Judicial system supports those who report corruption

Iran’s Judiciary Chief Ebrahim Raeisi

Iran’s Judiciary Chief Ebrahim Raeisi says the entire judicial system backs those people who report corruption cases and directives have been issued to various sections of the Judiciary to this effect.

Raeisi said on Monday that the Judiciary will support those involved in the prevention of vice, saying Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has ordered the Judiciary to support reports of corruption and the prevention of vice.

He emphasized that Iran's judicial system will provide legal support for those who report "administrative and economic corruption," and will not allow anybody to persecute them.

The top Iranian judicial official touched on a directive issued in the previous Persian calendar year in support of NGOs assisting the Judiciary in fulfilling missions assigned to it, calling on the Judiciary staff to make utmost efforts to carry out the directive based on mechanisms enshrined in the law.

Speaking via a video-conference with officials of Iran's Judiciary on Saturday, Ayatollah Khamenei said the battle against corruption should continue "without negligence."

Expressing his satisfaction with the Judiciary’s measures over the past year, the Leader said, "The fight against corruption, which has reached its peak in this period, should strongly continue without negligence and on the basis of rights, justice and law, with no encroachment and oppression of innocent people."

The Leader's remarks came after the Iranian Judiciary chief ordered the serious pursuit of financial corruption suspects who have fled the country, warning that they will not be spared prosecution no matter where they have run to.

The directive advised “those who are subject to accusations to surrender themselves to justice, and know this that they will not be able to escape the grasp of justice.”

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