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Urmedium offering over-the-top media service in Iran

© Press TV

Ghanbar Naderi 
Press TV, Tehran 

Iran has a new over-the-top media service and it’s called Urmedium. The streaming media service is to be offered directly to media companies and viewers via the Internet in the near future. This means bypassing cable, broadcast, and satellite television platforms, or the companies that traditionally act as a controller or distributor of such content.

With regard to the new media service and its mission, the project manager of Urmedium had this to say to Press TV.

Consumers will be able to access Urmedium’s content through Internet-connected devices such as phones, tablets, desktop and laptop computers. These services can also be accessed via websites or apps on mobile devices, digital media players, or televisions with integrated Smart TV platforms.

Urmediuam plans to redefine mobile lifestyle, by offering interactive media services to make people active participants in the media. The program’s outputs will depend on the user's inputs, and the user's inputs, in turn, will affect the program's outputs. This way, people will process and share information, or communicate with one another.

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