Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has called for firm judicial action against the individuals involved in raids on Saudi diplomatic perimeters in two Iranian cities back in January.
Addressing a ceremony that marked the beginning of the Judiciary Week in Iran on Tuesday, President Rouhani emphasized the importance of public trust in the judicial institution.
“The reason why everyone can calmly go to sleep at nights in Iran is the presence of a capable judiciary,” the president said at the ceremony, which was attended by the heads of the other two branches of the Iranian government as well.
Referring to the raids on the diplomatic Saudi perimeters, President Rouhani said, “The public wants to know how the Judiciary deals with the perpetrators and those behind the move — who are well-known — and how the public is notified of verdicts.”
The raids occurred on January 2, when demonstrations were held in front of the Saudi embassy in Tehran and its consulate in Mashhad — both of which were vacant at the time — over Saudi Arabia’s move earlier to execute a prominent Saudi cleric, Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.
Some angry protesters mounted the walls of the consulate in Mashhad while incendiary devices were hurled at the embassy in Tehran.
A day later, Saudi Arabia cut its diplomatic ties with Iran.
Iranian officials had promptly condemned the attacks, and some 100 people were arrested over the acts of transgression.
In his Tuesday remarks, the Iranian President said every country is responsible for the provision of security for foreign diplomatic missions stationed in that country.
President Rouahni also emphasized the significance of the due application of justice, which he implied ensures psychological security for those seeking to invest in the country.
“If foreign investment is made in the country, it is because of trust in a healthy and fair judiciary in it,” he said.
Following a July 2015 deal between Iran and six world powers, the Islamic Republic is considered a beckoning market for many foreign businesses. Many trade delegations have been visiting the country to discuss investments and make contracts since the deal was reached.