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Palestinians demand return of slain protesters’ bodies

Palestinians demonstrate in the occupied West Bank city of al-Khalil (Hebron), December 17, 2015. (Photo by Ma’an)

Hundreds of Palestinians have staged a rally in the occupied West Bank, calling on the Tel Aviv regime to return the bodies of nearly two dozen protesters recently killed by Israeli forces.

Relatives of the slain Palestinians took to the streets along with a number of local officials in al-Khalil (Hebron) on Thursday to denounce Israel’s refusal to hand over the bodies.

The protesters carried photos of 21 Palestinians whose bodies are being held by Israeli authorities, demanding immediate and unconditional handover of the remains.

Mourners attend the funeral of Samah Abdullah in the village of Ammuriya, south of Nablus, December 17, 2015. (Photo by AFP)

In October, Israel’s security cabinet decided not to return the bodies of Palestinian assailants shot dead by the regime's forces to their families. Israeli officials are worried mass funerals often held for the dead could further intensify unrest in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Tensions have dramatically escalated in the occupied territories since August, when the Israeli regime imposed restrictions on the entry of Palestinian worshipers into the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East al-Quds.


Israeli forces stand guard next to a covered body near Kiryat Arba outside al-Khalil (Hebron), December 13, 2015. (Photo by AFP)

The Palestinians are worried by Israel's bid to change demographic status of the compound. They are also angry at increasing violence by Israeli settlers at the al-Aqsa Mosque compound and their attacks on Palestinian properties in the occupied territories.

More than 120 Palestinians have been killed in the recent escalation of violence since the start of October.

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