United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres looks on during the High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen, in Geneva, Switzerland, April 3, 2018. (Photo by Reuters)

Here is a brief look at Press TV newsroom's headlines from 18:00 GMT, April 11, 2017 to 08:00 GMT, April 12, 2017.


UN voices concern about impasse in Syria

The UN Secretary-General has expressed concern about the consequences of divisions among the Security Council’s veto-holding powers over the Syria conflict. Antonio Guterres has warned the US, Russia, China, France and Britain that the “impasse on Syria” could cause the situation to spiral out of control in the war-torn country. In a statement, the UN chief also underlined the need for concerted efforts to end “the suffering” of the Syrian people. He issued the statement a day after the Security Council on Tuesday failed to pass a resolution to launch a probe into the recent alleged chemical attack in Syria's Douma. A war of words has erupted between Washington and Moscow over the issue, with the US president threatening to take military action against the Arab country.

Israel targets Gaza

A fresh Israeli airstrike on the besieged Gaza Strip has killed at least one Palestinian. Israel’s warplanes hit the Shoja'eya district in Gaza’s east. At least, one other person has been critically injured. It follows a wave of Israeli attacks in which warplanes pounded the central and northern parts of the coastal enclave. Israeli tanks have also shelled posts belonging to the Hamas resistance movement. This comes against a backdrop of mass protests across Gaza over the past two weeks. Israeli troops have responded to the demonstrations with lethal force, killing 32 Palestinians. Nearly 3,000 others have been wounded.

‘Free Zakzaky’ protests

Supporters of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria have intensified their Free Zakzaky campaign with more rallies and protests demanding for the release of the detained cleric.

Syrian government gains full control of Eastern Ghouta

Russia’s defense ministry says Syrian forces have taken full control of the city of Douma. The move brings the Damascus government in full control of all Eastern Ghouta region. Foreign-backed militants were holding the area since 2012 until recently. They agreed earlier this week to leave Douma for northern Syria under a deal brokered by Russia. The Syrian army began its operation in February in a bid to push out armed groups operating in the Damascus countryside.

Spain urged not to sell arms to Saudi

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman is in Spain on the last leg of his international tour, amid global outrage over the country’s indiscriminate aggression against Yemen. Upon arrival in Madrid, the Crown Prince was received by the Spanish Defense Minister at a military airbase near the Spanish capital. Bin Salman is due to meet with Spain’s King Felipe the sixth and a number of top Spanish officials on Thursday. The two countries are scheduled to sign a number of military deals. They include an agreement under which Spain will sell five warships worth over two billion dollars to Saudi Arabia. Rights groups, including Amnesty International and Greenpeace are calling on Madrid not to sign the deal as they believe it will be used in the war on Yemen.

Brazil’s pro-Lula rallies

Brazilians have taken to the streets of the city of Sao Paulo in support of the country’s former president who's been recently jailed. The demonstrators marched in the streets calling for the immediate release of leftist leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Representatives of trade unions and political parties took part in the rally. They say Lula is the voice of the working class.

China warns US

It seems that the trade spat between China and the United States will not cease any time soon. This time, Beijing says, it will not hesitate to fight back if the US escalates tensions. Gao added that it would be misleading to say President Xi Jinping’s pledge to cut import tariffs was a concession to the US. He said that the two countries have not held any negotiations on their bilateral trade frictions because the US has not been sincere. On Tuesday the Chinese president vowed to open China's economy further and lower import duties on goods such as cars. The announcement came after weeks of trade row initiated by US steel and aluminum tariffs. US President Donald Trump praised Xi’s move.

US police violence

International activist movement Black Lives Matter has held a rally called “Stop the Cop” in Washington DC to denounce the rising police violence against African Americans. The protesters marched through the US capital, and blocked traffic during rush hour. The Black Lives Matter event was dedicated to Terrance Sterling, an African American, who was shot dead by a DC police officer in 2016. The Activists demanded that city officials hold law enforcement to account for killing black men and women. They said it would be systematic racism if killer cops are not held accountable. A recent police shooting of an unarmed African American in Sacramento, California, has renewed nationwide protests against police killings, and fueled debate about bias in the US justice system.

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