regional war
Politics5 months ago
World must not allow Lebanon to become another Gaza: Pezeshkian
The Iranian president urged the UN Security Council to “take immediate action” against the “insane” Israeli escalation.
World must not allow Lebanon to become another Gaza: Pezeshkian
Politics5 months ago
‘Hezbollah limitless’: Fmr. IRGC chief says resistance front on verge of ‘great victory’
A former chief commander of IRGC says Iran and the resistance front are “on the verge of a great victory,” while stressing that the Lebanese Resistance movement Hezbollah has an almost inexhaustible manpower.
‘Hezbollah limitless’: Fmr. IRGC chief says resistance front on verge of ‘great victory’
Reports6 months ago
Erdogan: Israel must be stopped from dragging region into war
Erdogan condemns what he described as "unconditional support" from certain states for Israel, accusing them of being "accessories to Israel’s crimes".
Erdogan: Israel must be stopped from dragging region into war
Broadcast the web7 months ago
'Israel Will Weep': Hezbollah readies war, Iran orders strike
Beirut-based journalist and war correspondent Ghadi Francis joins from Lebanon to discuss Hezbollah's next moves after Israel crossed numerous red lines on its way to a broader regional war.
'Israel Will Weep': Hezbollah readies war, Iran orders strike
Foreign Policy8 months ago
US warns Israel that conflict with Hezbollah could spark regional war
The US says it is urgently working towards a diplomatic agreement to prevent a conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.
US warns Israel that conflict with Hezbollah could spark regional war
Palestineone year ago
Hamas leader: Israeli atrocities can trigger 'regional war'
The head of Hamas' Politburo sounds a stern warning concerning continuation of the Israeli atrocities against the Gaza Strip.
Hamas leader: Israeli atrocities can trigger 'regional war'
Palestine3 years ago
Islamic Jihad warns Israel against tempting ‘regional war’
The Islamic Jihad strongly warns the Israeli regime and illegal settlers against tempting a regional war.
Islamic Jihad warns Israel against tempting ‘regional war’
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