2015 deal
News Headlines2 years ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 09:00 GMT, September 16 , 2022
Press TV's news headlines
Politics2 years ago
Iran says agreement possible if US lifts all sanctions
Iran says a deal on the revival of the landmark 2015 nuclear agreement is possible if the US accepts that it should lift all sanctions imposed on Tehran.
Iran says agreement possible if US lifts all sanctions
Politics2 years ago
Vienna talks: Tehran says ready for deal if US honors Iranians' rights
Tehran says the prolonged talks in Vienna on reviving the 2015 Iran deal can be concluded successfully if the US honors "the Iranian nation’s rights".
Vienna talks: Tehran says ready for deal if US honors Iranians' rights
InfoClips2 years ago
Lack of US political decision preventing agreement in Vienna: Iran FM
Iran's top diplomat Hossein Amir-Abdollahian told the EU deputy foreign policy chief Enrique Mora that the inability of the US to make a political decision was the main obstacle to reach a final agreement in Vienna.
Lack of US political decision preventing agreement in Vienna: Iran FM
Viewpoint2 years ago
Why doesn’t Iran negotiate with the US?
The United States’ departure from the 2015 deal has taken away the only reason that used to justify Iran’s negotiation with Washington.
Why doesn’t Iran negotiate with the US?
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