Air pollution
News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 16:00 GMT, November 05, 2022
Press TV's news headlines
News Bulletinone year ago
India's Delhi wrestles with 'hazardous' air pollution, primary schools shut
Authorities in New Delhi ordered primary schools to shut from Saturday, and told schools to stop outdoor activities as air in the world's most polluted capital had become a severe risk to health.
India's Delhi wrestles with 'hazardous' air pollution, primary schools shut
Investigations2 years ago
Climate apocalypse? Wave of dust storms puts West Asia on edge
Since April this year, air pollution levels in Tehran have seen a sharp spike with a thick blanket of noxious smog engulfing the capital city at irregular intervals.
Climate apocalypse? Wave of dust storms puts West Asia on edge
Society2 years ago
Nearly entire global population breathing polluted air: WHO
A full 99 percent of people on Earth breathe air containing too many pollutants, the World Health Organization says.
Nearly entire global population breathing polluted air: WHO
India2 years ago
Schools closed again in New Delhi over pollution
India's polluted capital again orders schools to be closed due to dangerous smog levels.
Schools closed again in New Delhi over pollution
India2 years ago
New Delhi residents struggle with worsening pollution
New Delhi residents on Friday (November 19) struggled with breathing problems as high pollution levels continued in the Indian capital.
New Delhi residents struggle with worsening pollution
India2 years ago
Indian officials impose new lockdown to tackle dangerous levels of air pollution in Delhi
India is enforcing a full weekend lockdown to deal with an air pollution that is soaring to deadly levels in New Delhi.
Indian officials impose new lockdown to tackle dangerous levels of air pollution in Delhi
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