InfoClipsone year ago
Foreign nationals behind terrorist attack at Iran’s Shah Cheragh shrine
The two assailants involved in Iran's Shah Ceragh shooting were foreign nationals.
Foreign nationals behind terrorist attack at Iran’s Shah Cheragh shrine
News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 11:00 GMT, August 14, 2023
Press TV's news headlines
Politicsone year ago
‘Iran arrests second individual involved in Shiraz terrorist attack’
Iranian forces arrest the second individual involved in last week’s terrorist attack on the highly revered Shah Cheragh shrine in the southern province of Fars.
‘Iran arrests second individual involved in Shiraz terrorist attack’
News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 10:00 GMT, October 27, 2022
Press TV's news headlines
Reports3 years ago
Takfiri terrorists turned holy sites in Syria into rubble
Throughout the war on Syria, Takfiri terrorists destroyed every place, mostly holy Muslim areas and mosques.
Takfiri terrorists turned holy sites in Syria into rubble
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