Ivan Duque
Colombia3 years ago
Venezuela says 10 Colombian paramilitaries killed in Caracas clashes so far
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro says 10 Colombian “paramilitaries” have been among those killed during clashes between security forces and armed gangs over the past week.
Venezuela says 10 Colombian paramilitaries killed in Caracas clashes so far
Colombia3 years ago
Helicopter carrying Colombia's President Duque struck by bullets in attack
A helicopter carrying Colombia's President Ivan Duque and others was struck by multiple bullets in an attack.
Helicopter carrying Colombia's President Duque struck by bullets in attack
More3 years ago
Anti-government protests continue in Colombia
Thousands of Colombians have taken to the streets in several cities across Colombia to protest against President Ivan Duque’s policies and police brutality in the country.
Anti-government protests continue in Colombia
Colombia3 years ago
UN rights chief urges probe into deaths in Colombia protests
The UN rights chief voices alarm over the ongoing violence in Colombia, calling for an independent investigation into the recent deadly clashes in the country.
UN rights chief urges probe into deaths in Colombia protests
News Headlines3 years ago
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