IN-DEPTH3 years ago
Iranian COVID-19 vaccine triumph
Despite sanctions, the COV-Iran Barekat vaccine, a domestically produced vaccine by Iran, is undergoing volunteer assisted trials. Several groups are involved in studying and developing MRNA vaccines as well as recombinant vaccines.
Iranian COVID-19 vaccine triumph
News Headlines3 years ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here is the latest top stories from Press TV on July 5, 2021.
Press TV's news headlines
Venezuela3 years ago
Venezuela to give COVAX ultimatum to deliver vaccines
Venezuela is set to give COVAX an ultimatum to ship COVID-19 vaccines promised to the Latin American country.
Venezuela to give COVAX ultimatum to deliver vaccines
Society3 years ago
At least 115,000 health workers died from COVID: WHO
At least 115,000 health and care workers have died from COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic, the WHO chief says.
At least 115,000 health workers died from COVID: WHO
IN-DEPTH3 years ago
US ‘vaccine apartheid’
The US has opted to make profits at the expense of innocent lives, while hoarding the vaccine for its own citizens.
US ‘vaccine apartheid’
More3 years ago
With rich nations hoarding, WHO urges Africans to use expired vaccines
The WHO has urged African countries to take hold of expired Covid-19 jabs and wait for further instructions reassuring that the "vaccines can still be used even after nine months".
With rich nations hoarding, WHO urges Africans to use expired vaccines
Iran Corona3 years ago
First COVAX shipment of 700,000 doses sent to Iran
The first shipment of the COVAX global vaccine plan, containing over 700,000 doses, has been sent to Tehran from Amsterdam, says an official.
First COVAX shipment of 700,000 doses sent to Iran
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