Syria6 years ago
Takfiri terrorists attack besieged Shia towns in Syria
Takfiri terrorists attack the besieged Shia-majority Syrian towns of Kefraya and al-Foua, sparking deadly clashes with pro-Damascus fighters.
Takfiri terrorists attack besieged Shia towns in Syria
Syria7 years ago
Syria urges UN action on militant siege of towns
Damascus writes to the UN, calling for an immediate action to end the plight of thousands of people holed up in the militant-besieged Shia-majority towns of Kefraya and al-Foua.
Syria urges UN action on militant siege of towns
Syria7 years ago
Mass funeral held for victims of Aleppo bombing
Dozens of victims of a recent deadly bomb attack that targeted Kefraya and al-Foua evacuees have been laid to rest.
Mass funeral held for victims of Aleppo bombing
Syria7 years ago
Terrorist tunnel uncovered, razed in Syria: Video
Syrian army soldiers have found and destroyed a long tunnel used by militants near the capital Damascus.
Terrorist tunnel uncovered, razed in Syria: Video
Syria7 years ago
Syria resumes evacuation after terrorists kill 126
A monitoring group warns that the death toll from a bomb attack outside the Syrian city of Aleppo may rise.
Syria resumes evacuation after terrorists kill 126
Syria7 years ago
Civilians, militants begin evacuating 4 Syria towns
The evacuation of Fou’a and Kefraya in Idlib as well as Zabadani and Madaya in Rif Dimashq begins as part of a deal between Damascus and militants.
Civilians, militants begin evacuating 4 Syria towns
Syria7 years ago
Syria, militants ready for big population swap
Evacuations from towns in Idlib and Rif Dimashq are reportedly expected to begin on Wednesday morning, a monitoring group says.
Syria, militants ready for big population swap
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