Economy2 years ago
Thousands of US nurses go on strike, demanding better working conditions
Thousands of private sector nurses go on strike in the US states of Minnesota and Wisconsin to demand better working conditions and higher wages.
Thousands of US nurses go on strike, demanding better working conditions
Palestine2 years ago
Pro-Palestine activists rally in Minnesota, demand US divest from Israel
Pro-Palestine activists rally in Saint Paul, the capital of Minnesota in the US, protesting against the state’s support for Israel and demanding it divests from the occupation regime.
Pro-Palestine activists rally in Minnesota, demand US divest from Israel
Politics2 years ago
Ilhan Omar: Minnesota more violent than Somali refugee camp
US Representative Ilhan Omar suggests that when it comes to violence, her state of Minnesota is worse than the Somalian refugee camp she used to live in when she was a child.
Ilhan Omar: Minnesota more violent than Somali refugee camp
Society3 years ago
5-year-old boy shoots 3-year-old girl in US
A 5-year-old boy has shot 3-year-old girl dead in the US state of Minnesota after getting a hold of the firearm at midnight.
5-year-old boy shoots 3-year-old girl in US
Reports3 years ago
Cop shootings still sparking nationwide protests in US
Across the United States more protests are being held in response to what seems like a never-ending wave of police brutality and deadly violence.
Cop shootings still sparking nationwide protests in US
Society3 years ago
Police clash with protesters in Minnesota over killing of Black man
US police clash with protesters in Minnesota after the police chief in Brooklyn Center said that the officer who shot Daunte Wright made a mistake.
Police clash with protesters in Minnesota over killing of Black man
News Bulletin3 years ago
Tear gas, flash bangs fired during anti-police protest in Minnesota
Police fired tear gas and rubber bullets as angry protests erupted in a Minneapolis suburb after a 20-year-old Black man was shot dead during a traffic stop.
Tear gas, flash bangs fired during anti-police protest in Minnesota
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