private information
Press Plus7 years ago
Privacy and modern-day hacking
Let's face it, many of us have had at least one of our online accounts hacked at one stage in our life, or even worse, a financial account.
Privacy and modern-day hacking
Reports7 years ago
Uganda orders fresh SIM card registration
Uganda has issued an ultimatum demanding citizens to register their SIM cards with their service providers or risk deactivation.
Uganda orders fresh SIM card registration
Politics9 years ago
Wikileaks continues strikes on CIA chief
WikiLeaks is continuing to take on CIA Director John Brennan by releasing a new batch of secret emails.
Wikileaks continues strikes on CIA chief
Military9 years ago
US army families’ private info breached
Thousands of US army families have their private data exposed in security breaches, a report says.
US army families’ private info breached
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