Genocide in Gaza
IN-DEPTH24 days ago
BDS antagonism toward armed Palestinian resistance
In a move which aims to undermine the Palestinian resistance, the BDS movement has distanced itself from the armed struggle against Zionist oppression.
BDS antagonism toward armed Palestinian resistance
IN-DEPTH26 days ago
Ontario Keffiyeh ban sparks protest
In a powerful display of solidarity, activists in Toronto unveiled a giant handcrafted keffiyeh, the second largest in history.
Ontario Keffiyeh ban sparks protest
IN-DEPTHone month ago
Gaza Freedom Flotilla arrives in UK
For months now hundreds of activists have been organizing, where their governments have failed, trying to get the desperately needed humanitarian aid into the battered Gaza Strip and they intend to do it by boat.
Gaza Freedom Flotilla arrives in UK
Palestineone month ago
Chile joins South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at ICJ
Chile has joined a coalition of countries backing South Africa in its genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).
 Chile joins South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at ICJ
Politicsone month ago
Palestinian American nurse fired for Israeli 'genocide' in Gaza remarks
A Palestinian American nurse has been fired from her position at a hospital in New York City following her description of Israel's actions in Gaza as "genocide".
Palestinian American nurse fired for Israeli 'genocide' in Gaza remarks
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