Reportsone month ago
Westerners relocating to Russia in search of better life
Despite ongoing hostilities and sanctions, many Americans and Europeans are relocating to Russia for improved living standards.
Westerners relocating to Russia in search of better life
News Bulletin8 months ago
Migrant shipwrecks off Italy leave 11 dead
Bodies of eleven migrants recovered by the German aid group RESQSHIP were brought to Italy's Lampedusa.
Migrant shipwrecks off Italy leave 11 dead
Moreone year ago
60 migrants drown after dinghy breaks down in Mediterranean
The SOS Mediterranee reported saving 25 individuals in a state of extreme weakness in collaboration with the Italian Coast Guard.
60 migrants drown after dinghy breaks down in Mediterranean
Politicsone year ago
US border standoff is a crisis of imperialism and foreign plots
Since the end of the infamous Title 42 Act earlier last year, hundreds of thousands of migrants have entered the United States from its southern border. 
US border standoff is a crisis of imperialism and foreign plots
News Bulletinone year ago
Spanish coast guards rescue migrants off Canary Islands
Fifty-seven sub-Saharan African men were picked up on Friday (September 22) by Spanish coast guards.
Spanish coast guards rescue migrants off Canary Islands
Societyone year ago
US-Mexico border 'is world’s deadliest’ migrant route
The United States-Mexico border is the world's deadliest land route for asylum-seekers, IOM says.
US-Mexico border 'is world’s deadliest’ migrant route
Black and whiteone year ago
Millions of people today flee from hunger, poverty, violence, death, and many times they perish in the attempt.
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