Reports5 years ago
Persian lion returns to Iran after more than half century
Under a new project, a Persian Lion has been sent from Britain to re-introduce the rare cat in Iran.
Persian lion returns to Iran after more than half century
News Bulletin5 years ago
Crimean cat 'adopts' 4 orphaned baby squirrels
In Crimea, a cat has "adopted" four orphaned baby squirrels and is raising them as her own alongside her new kittens.
Crimean cat 'adopts' 4 orphaned baby squirrels
News Bulletin5 years ago
Press TV The Lite Bulletin
The largest tulip garden in Indian-controlled Kashmir has opened its doors to the public.
Press TV The Lite Bulletin
Society6 years ago
Mammals gave up night life only after dino doom
The earliest mammals were night creatures which only emerged from the cover of darkness after the demise of the daytime-dominating dinosaurs.
Mammals gave up night life only after dino doom
Saudi Arabia8 years ago
Selfies with cats prohibited: Saudi cleric
Saudi senior cleric has banned taking selfies with cats, a bizarre ruling based on Saudi Wahhabism.
Selfies with cats prohibited: Saudi cleric
News Bulletin8 years ago
Smart collar translates cat meows into human speech
Here’s good news for cat lovers out there! You finally have the chance to understand what your pet is saying, thanks to a smart collar.
Smart collar translates cat meows into human speech
Society8 years ago
You can blame your anger on your cat
A new study says a relatively harmless parasitic infection typically found in cats causes outbursts of anger.
You can blame your anger on your cat
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