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Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 02:00 GMT, June 27, 2023
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Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 17:00 GMT, February 25, 2023
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Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 10:00 GMT, January 12 , 2023
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News Headlines2 years ago
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Pyongyang says the projectile it test-fired early Tuesday was a hypersonic missile, verifing the maneuverability of the missile which hit its designated target 1,000 kilometers away on the sea.
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Spotlight2 years ago
Guantanamo: 20 years of US torture
Supposed to be a makeshift jail but from day one US naval base in Cuba’s Guantanamo bay had an ambiguous legal status, housing what the military called “enemy combatants” not prisoners of war. 
Guantanamo: 20 years of US torture
News Headlines3 years ago
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Dozens of Democrats in the US House of Representatives call on the president to immediately close the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba.
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Human Rights5 years ago
Horrific CIA torture measures revealed in 9/11 court
A 9/11 prosecutor offers horrifying details of torture at CIA's black-site prisons.
Horrific CIA torture measures revealed in 9/11 court
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