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Pressure on local governments to divest from Israel successful

Student activists at an encampment at Brown University's campus in Providence, April 2024 (Credit: Olivia Ebertz/The Public's Radio)

The past year of attempted genocide in Gaza has created a sea change in perceptions of Israel, and while street protests are public displays of anti-Zionism, divestment campaigns are undermining Zionism's political and financial sway in the United States.

At universities across the country, student referendums which have approved divestment and sanctions against Israel have routinely been ignored.

Local governments, however, are increasingly responsive to the Democratic will.

This year, from California to Maine, city councils, large and small, have voted to divest from Israel and from companies doing business with Israel.

In the city of Alexandria, Virginia, pro-Palestinians are demanding divestment, which has major local implications.

The city isn't just a suburb of Washington, DC; it is also the headquarters of weapons manufacturing giants like Raytheon, Boeing, Airbus Space and Defense, Leonardo and others.

Zionism is a fabric that is woven into every level of government, all the way to the most benign seeming institutions, like our city halls.

We're also aware that Virginia is the global capital of the military industrial complex, which is currently profiting in the billions off of this genocide.

They're being supported with corporate welfare that is coming directly from our tax dollars.

And it's not just that we're supporting rich people getting richer, we're actually waging genocide in the process.

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Nationwide, local government investment portfolios hold billions of dollars in Israeli investments, which, besides federal money and weapons, is another way US taxpayer money gets routed to Israel.

With national politicians seemingly totally under the control of Zionist lobbying, activists have prioritized state and local lawmakers, who are more accessible, but the divestment campaign still has a long way to go.

Unfortunately, these institutions ... don't back down very easily.

There's a lot of money, there's a lot of influence on the side of silencing those of us speaking out against genocide.

But it's imperative that you don't succumb to that pressure, and you don't back down when they try to force you to back down with threats. 

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Activists say their local grassroots campaigns are stopping the flow of cash to Israel's violence and building up a national movement which will finally hold Tel Aviv accountable.

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