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The Combat Antisemitism Movement and affiliates

Distracted by Zionism. (New Voices Composite)

‘With partnerships encompassing over 850 interfaith organizations, influential decision makers, and a network of more than 5 million activists and 250 social media influencers, Cam leads, a united front against Jew hatred”.

This is how the Combat Antisemitism Movement describes itself.

It sounds like an independent campaign group at the head of a global movement, but does it actually lead anything?

The movement advertises that its key initiatives include the global coalition of cities fighting anti-semitism and specialized collaborations with US governors and state legislators.

They say that they reach millions through digital campaigns, influencer partnerships and an innovation lab. They have partnerships with nearly one thousand groups.

The movement started with a pledge to fight antisemitism. It now has more than 850 organizations signed up as members from across the globe, from the South African Jewish board of deputies to the Russian Jewish Community Foundation, the Sweden Israel Alliance and UK Lawyers for Israel to stand with us Brazil.

It looks like a very extensive global network, but who is behind it? Answering that question requires peeling back several layers of the onion.

First, there is no organization registered in the US under that name. There is, however, a Combat Hate Foundation which runs the movement, registered with the Internal Revenue Service.

Public documents show that it is funded by a variety of Zionist foundations. The largest contributors seem to be foundations associated with the Kansas based Beren family, which made its fortune in the oil and gas industry.

During a 2021 controversy about the movement, The Forward reported that it functioned as a dark money front group for the Kansas oil billionaire, Adam Beren.

It can be revealed that the Combat Hate Foundation is part of a joint venture run by the Israeli regime. The Ministry of Diaspora Affairs is in charge. It is run via the ministry's deniable corporate intermediary, Voices of Israel, yet, there is no mention of this relationship on the website of the Combat Antisemitism Movement.

A strong clue is that on the board of governors is Brigadier General Sima Vaknin Gill, former Israeli intelligence officer and Director General of the Ministry of Strategic Affairs and Public Diplomacy, but the relationship is spelled out on the voices of Israel website.

‘Voices of Israel’ has a joint venture agreement with Israel, led by the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs and Combat Antisemitism.

The Combat Antisemitism Movement, in other words, is part of the covert Zionist regime network.

The impressive nature of the 850 partner organizations takes on a rather more sinister hue given this revelation.


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