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Iran condemns EU, UK sanctions as attempt to divert attention from Israeli genocide

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Esmaeil Baghaei (File photo)

Iran has condemned new sanctions by the European Union and the United Kingdom against the Islamic Republic as an attempt to divert the public attention from Israeli genocide of Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip and the warmongering acts of the Zionist regime.

In a statement on Tuesday, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Esmaeil Baghaei stressed that the new sanctions by Britain and the European bloc against several Iranian individuals and entities were based on false and unfounded pretexts.

He strongly denounced that the move as an unjustifiable action that violates the international law, especially human rights.

Over the alleged transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia for use in the Ukraine war, the EU imposed sanctions against flagship carrier Iran Air, Saha Airlines and Mahan Air, Iran’s Deputy Defense Minister Seyyed Hamzeh Ghalandari, prominent officials of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), Khatam al-Anbiya Central Headquarters, and the IRGC Aerospace Force.

This is while Tehran has strongly rejected such allegations.

The UK also announced sanctions targeting senior figures in the Islamic Republic of Iran Army, Iran’s Air Force and organizations linked to Iran’s ballistic and cruise missile development, claiming that the sanctions came after what it alleged to be Iran’s dangerous and destabilizing activity across West Asia.

“The position of the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding the Ukraine conflict is clear and principled. From the very beginning of the conflict, Iran has opposed the war and emphasized the importance for all countries to respect each other's territorial integrity and national sovereignty, while advocating for a diplomatic solution to resolve the disputes between Russia and Ukraine," Baghaei said.

"Nevertheless, some European countries and the UK have unfortunately made unfounded claims about Iran's military involvement in this conflict without providing any evidence, which is completely rejected,” he added.

He also described the anti-Iran accusations by the European Union and the UK as hypocritical and an attempt to divert public attention away from the most pressing issue of the day, that is the genocide of the Palestinian people and the warmongering acts of the Zionist regime in the West Asia region.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman pointed to the role of some European countries, including the UK and Germany, in supplying lethal weapons used by the Zionist regime for genocide and aggression in Gaza and Lebanon, describing these countries as complicit in the crimes committed against the Palestinian and Lebanese people.

Baghaei also stressed that actions of such countries violate international law and result in international accountability, as stipulated by the obligations of states under the Genocide Convention.

He further emphasized Iran's legitimate right to engage in defense and military cooperation with other countries, including Russia, to meet and strengthen its defense needs for the protection of its national interests, security, territorial integrity, and sovereignty.

Baghaei also noted that Iran's defense and military collaborations with other countries are not directed against any third party, and no third party has the right to interfere in the legal and legitimate decisions of Iran regarding cooperation with other countries.

He also described the EU's latest move as contradictory and inconsistent with the claims of European countries regarding human rights and engagement, emphasizing that the sanctions against passenger airlines represent a clear violation of international law, particularly human rights and fundamental freedoms, and are condemned.

Baghaei emphasized Iran’s right to take appropriate measures and responses against the illegal and unjustified sanctions of the European Union.

He also advised the European bloc to adhere to the international law and ethical and humanitarian norms by obliging its member states to stop selling arms to the aggressive Israeli regime, thereby preventing the continuation of genocide in Gaza and Lebanon and intensifying insecurity and tension in the West Asia region.

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