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German MP says Ukraine war cannot be resolved with ‘more weapons’

German MP Sahra Wagenknecht. (File photo)

German MP Sahra Wagenknecht has said “more weapons” cannot resolve the conflict between Moscow and Kiev and would not bring peace to Europe.

Wagenknecht told Funke Media Group on Friday that Berlin’s current policy concerning the Ukraine crisis only helps to fan the flames of war, criticizing Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government over its stance on the Ukraine conflict

“We need more diplomatic efforts,” said Wagenknecht, once of Left Party’s parliamentary faction but who established her party – the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) – this year.

“There is a good peace plan by Brazil and China. I hope that Germany and the EU will support such initiatives,” Wagenknecht said.

In May, those two nations presented a joint six-point proposal calling for de-escalation, negotiations, and an international peace conference recognized by Russia and Ukraine.

Kiev immediately rejected their plan, calling it “unacceptable.”

Moscow, however, welcomed China’s and Brazil’s peace proposals and expressed appreciation that they have received international backing.

In Wagenknecht’s view, Germany should put pressure on Zelensky to “force” him to agree to a certain compromise.

“There will be no peace without compromise,” the politician stated.

She also warned that current Western policy towards the Ukraine conflict is “insanely dangerous” since it lets NATO get “drawn ever deeper into this war.”

If the US-led bloc becomes a party to the conflict that would lead to a confrontation with Moscow, “this conflict will then very quickly escalate into a nuclear war,” she added.

Last week, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised the visiting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to send more weaponry to Kiev to fight the advancing Russian troops.

At a joint press conference in the Federal Chancellery in Berlin on Friday, Scholz pledged to supply Kiev with a fresh 1.4 billion euro ($1.53 billion) military aid package by the end of 2024.

The military aid to Kiev will be given jointly with partner countries Belgium, Denmark, and Norway and include more air defense, tanks, combat drones, and artillery.

Germany is Ukraine’s biggest arms, equipment, and ammunition supplier after the United States.

Russia launched its military campaign in Ukraine’s Donbas in February 2022 after several years of international negotiations to resolve the Ukraine crisis.

Since the war started, Western countries have been backing Zelensky with vast diplomatic and financial support, providing Kiev forces with huge shipments of arms and munitions despite repeated warnings by the Kremlin that pursuing such a policy would only prolong the war and add to the misery and destruction.

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