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Shirion Collective: Ultra-Zionist troll farm that targets pro-Palestine voices in West

By David Miller

Shirion Collective is an ultra-Zionist troll farm dedicated to targeting pro-Palestine voices and causing them social harm, including embarrassment, loss of employment or earnings, or in some cases, threats and violence as well.

It was launched in late 2023 and operates in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

It uses the technique known as Doxxing, meaning it publishes personal details, including photographs and home addresses of those it deems to be advocates of the Palestinian cause.  

It also offers a bounty for the disclosure of useful information related to pro-Palestine groups.

In late 2023, there were indications that the collective was gaining a foothold in Australia. In December 2023, a Sydney resident named Theo had a picture of his house and his address posted to a Facebook group, which proved it had already infiltrated there.

Theo had raised a Palestinian flag and placed a blackboard with messages critical of the Israeli regime in front of his home in Sydney.

Less than two weeks later, a jerry can with rags stuffed into it, a disposable lighter and large bolts were placed on the bonnet of his car with a message: “Enough! Take down the flag! One chance!!!!”

In February this year, the Shirion Collective launched an infiltration campaign of the pro-Palestine movement promising that Operation Global Insight would recruit infiltrators:

  • Individuals who can maintain cool, calm, and collected demeanors under triggering Jew hate and pressure.
  • Volunteers who are willing to wear keffiyehs and walk in these demonstrations masked.
  • Individuals with Arabic-sounding names and Middle Eastern appearance may be uniquely positioned for deeper infiltration and will receive cash compensation for their vital role in our operation.

Those signing up were promised “an hour-long basic training by one of our ex-Mossad team leads.”

There are indications that the announcement may have been simply intended to intimidate demonstrators as implied by messages on its Telegram channel:

“We won’t need to do anything,” one volunteer wrote. “They [supporters of Palestine] will:

  • Tone down
  • Police their own
  • Maybe even beat up their own just because they think those are us

And all accomplished just by one tweet. Doesn’t even cost a cent.”

There are other indications that the group is involved in psychological warfare such as its claim to be developing a sophisticated Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool to produce fake materials with which to attack pro-Palestine campaigners.

However, the pro-Israel AI, Macabbee, has never been launched.

Shirion seeks to fan the flames of Islamophobia and anti-Palestinian hate while celebrating the carnage in the Gaza Strip, and violence against their supporters in the West.

It has repeatedly celebrated the deaths of Palestinians in Gaza, including journalists and children.

This raises a pertinent question: who or what is behind this anonymous group? And to what ideas and ideologies are those running it attached?

So who or what is the Shirion Collective and how does it relate to other Zionist troll groups active in the West? There are many of these, each of which traces back in one way or another to the Zionist regime.

Here’s a select list of a few of them: 

  • Canary Mission, a campaign of defamatory attacks on university students and staff who support the Palestinian cause.
  • The Tel Aviv Institute which recruits social media “influencers” to shill for genocide
  •  The Psy-Group, a kind of private Mossad set up by the former regime spooks to conduct psychological warfare against the Palestine solidarity movement. 
  • Black Cube is another of these Zionist troll groups, which also specializes in spying having been founded by “former” Zionist spooks. 

As with many of these troll networks, it is small digital clues put together in the manner of a jigsaw that can reveal details they want to remain hidden.

A moderator name used by the collective led to a user name “Dantheprompt” which ran a series of other social media accounts.  A match came when the same photo was used for an account on Reddit as on the Multiplex system. 

In a message on that system in May 2023, the user introduced himself with his real name ‘Dan Linden’.

Dan Linden, it turns out, is a budding entrepreneur having set up a string of companies and dabbled in AI as well as in pornography.

As the Guardian reported, Linden has displayed a preoccupation with OnlyFans, the platform that allows producers of adult content to monetize their content.

A December 6, 2022 screenshot of one of his personal Facebook accounts shows an OnlyFans payment notification indicating a net quarterly take of more than $155,000.

On Amazon, Linden is credited as co-author of a Spanish-language ebook whose title translates as Master OnlyFans in just 7 days! and whose blurb promises to show readers techniques to build “an account that will give you an average of 2,000 dollars a month”.

According to Stop Zionist Hate, a social media campaign against hate spewed by Zionists, posts from the Shirion Collective disclosed a habit of “lying” and this certainly seems evident in a post about Stop Zionist Hate from the Shirion Collective making outlandish claims about the accountability project.

As can be seen, this was based on claims made by another separate troll network, the Canary Mission.

This raises questions about the extent of connection to the wide range of other troll and doxxing operations run for and often coordinated with or directed by the Zionist regime.

It is well established that the Ministry of Strategic Affairs created (or inherited) a large number of front groups and developed an international and coordinated network of groups. 

This has recently been rejuvenated and given a new name – Voices of Israel. This is an extensive network but, as yet, there is only confirmation of some handful of the groups involved in what appears to be a corpus of more than 50 groups.

It is plain that these groups copy from, and at least informally work together, and this provides a force multiplier such that it may be appropriate to discuss the state capture of elements of US society.

David Miller is the producer and co-host of Press TV’s weekly Palestine Declassified show. He was sacked from Bristol University in October 2021 over his Palestine advocacy. 

(The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of Press TV)

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