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Hamas: Palestinians in Israeli prisons face torture, abuse

The file photo shows Israelis taking away a Palestinian in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

Palestinians abducted by Israeli forces are suffering abuse and torture at the hands of jailers, Hamas says. 

In a statement issued on Wednesday, the resistance movement highlighted the plight of Palestinians in Israeli prisons.

“Evidence of brutal torture on their bodies confirms the extent of serious violations and heinous crimes committed in Israeli prisons.”

“What our prisoners are exposed to in prisons exceeds the brutality to which detainees were exposed to in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib prisons,” Hamas said in reference to two notorious US-run jails.

Elsewhere in the statement, Hamas referenced testimonies by two detainees recently released, namely Muath Amarneh, a journalist, and Muazzaz Abayat, an athlete.

The Palestinian Prisoners Society earlier said Abayat was in “shocking health condition” after release from Negev prison, where he experienced “severe beatings.”

And Amarneh has been held under the so-called administrative detention with no charge or trial for the past nine months. He also contracted a serious skin disease inside the Negev prison.

Israel is holding virtually 9,700 Palestinians, including 80 women and 250 children, according to estimates by the Palestinian Prisoners Club.

A large number of them were taken away in the wake of the barbarous campaign in the besieged Gaza Strip early October. At least 88 journalists have been arrested during that period, 52 of whom remain in detention, including six female journalists.


The released Palestinians have recounted their suffering under inhuman treatment and abuse.

Similar accounts of torture have been documented from decades of Israeli hostility across the occupied West Bank. 

There has been a complete blackout on the treatment of Palestinians Israel holds.

The testimonies of Palestinians have horrified their families, and perhaps even more so the families of those with relatives still in jail.

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