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US directly involved in displacement of 40 million people worldwide: Iranian lawyer

Head of Iran's Constitutional Council’s Research Institute Abbas Ali Kadkhodaei

A senior member of Iran's Constitutional Council says the United States has been directly involved in the displacement of some 40 million people in 85 countries across the world by conducting military operations.

"The US should not claim to defend human rights because they are the main violators of human rights in the international community," Head of the Constitutional Council’s Research Institute Abbas Ali Kadkhodaei said in an international conference on Western human rights violations in Tehran on Monday.

He added that those who claim to defend human rights are merely spreading lies based on double standard criteria.

The prominent lawyer emphasized that all divine religions have stressed the importance of observing the principles of human rights.

Kadkhodaei said racism is among top crimes committed by the US, adding that the American and European countries are still pursuing racist policies.

He said the US has committed numerous crimes both inside and outside the country, citing the events in Guantanamo Bay as a proof.

The focus of the conference is to examine the violations of human rights by the US and Western countries both within their own borders and in other parts of the world.

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