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Interior minister: Polling day runs 'smoothly'; election 'well-organized'

Three generations of a family stand behind a ballot box to cast their votes in Iran's presidential election runoff in a polling station in Arak, Markazi Province, on July 5, 2024. (Photo by Tasnim)

Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi says the voting process in Iran’s run-off presidential election has been running smoothly. 

“So far, reports have pointed to taking place of an orderly election amid complete security,” he said on Friday.

“We hope to get to bear witness to the same [level of] order and security throughout the country until the end of the voting process, vote counting, and announcement of the elected president,” the minister stated.

“All these [national] missions were conducted amid a complete and very worthwhile state of security, which was commended by the people and Leader [of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei.”

The run-off is underway between Saeed Jalili, a former lead nuclear negotiator and head of the country’s top security body, and Masoud Pezeshkian, an ex-health minister, following an inconclusive first round last Friday.

The election was called after former president Ebrahim Raeisi was martyred along with seven others on May 19, when the helicopter carrying them crashed into a mountainous area in northwestern Iran amid foggy conditions.

Vahidi said whoever wins the race would have to act within the framework of the country’s Islamic establishment and the policies devised by Ayatollah Khamenei.

“We all should assist him (the next chief executive) down this path so we would get to witness the country’s progress and development in all areas, God willing,” he added.

The minister noted how Raeisi’s tenure had featured a “manifestation of the Islamic Republic’s power across international circles.”

“We hope that the same trend will continue under the future government too.”

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