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UK's Labour Party poised to secure most substantial majority ever recorded in modern history: Poll

Sir Keir Starmer, leader of the UK’s Labour Party

The Labour Party in the United Kingdom is heading toward a historic triumph, potentially securing the largest electoral majority ever seen by a single party since 1832, a survey shows, as millions of Britons are casting their votes to choose a new House of Commons and a new government.

According to YouGov's final large-scale poll, leader of Labour Sir Keir Starmer is expected to lead his party to a majority of 212 seats, the largest for any single party since 1832, with Labour projected to win 431 seats.

The last multilevel regression and post-stratification (MRP) analysis by TouGov, a UK-based international online market research and data analytics firm, also predicted that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's Conservatives will win only 102.

The final YouGov projection, published on Wednesday, also showed that several prominent figures in Conservative politics, including 16 out of 26 remaining cabinet ministers, would lose their seats, among them Chancellor Jeremy Hunt.

The list of probable losers also features former Conservative leaders such as Sir Iain Duncan Smith and potential future leadership contenders like Miriam Cates.

Under the pollster’s margin of error, the Labour Party’s potential seat count could vary between 391 and 466, while the Conservatives could range from 78 to 129 seats.

The pollster conducted interviews with 47,758 voters across Great Britain from June 19 to July 2 to compile the data.

The new survey paints a grim national outlook for the Tories, positioning them primarily as a party focused on the South East, South West, and East of England. They would likely face near wipe out in the North East, North West, and Wales, regions where Boris Johnson previously enjoyed stronger support.

According to YouGov, even under the best-case scenario, the outcome for the Conservatives would be considerably worse than the party’s previous lowest election result in 1906, when it secured 156 seats.

It is also projected that the Liberal Democrats will secure 72 seats, while Nigel Farage's Reform UK is expected to capture 3 seats.

This anticipated victory by the opposition reflects a significant shift in public sentiment and could have profound implications for the country’s political landscape. 

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