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Gaza running theme in UK general election

A woman leaves a polling station after voting in London. (File photo by AP)

Many voters in the UK general elections are planning to vote for candidates prioritizing ending Britain’s support for the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza at the core of their foreign policy.

Hundreds of kilometers from London, Rochdale in Manchester is in full election mode. Sitting MP George Galloway's campaign headquarters is a beehive of activity while at the Labour MPs headquarters silence prevails.

Our request for an interview with the Labour candidate has been denied.

The only real competition is coming from Reform UK, led by Nigel Farage.

Those who voted for Galloway only a few months ago say their mind is made up.

Historically a Labour constituency, Rochdale handed Galloway a landslide victory in a by-election held in February, after a campaign in which Gaza was, and continues to be, a running theme.

People in Rochdale are of course complaining about the declining public services, unemployment, poverty and crime, but for Rochdale's 30,000-strong Asian and Muslim communities it is the Labour Party's stance on the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza, and the Labour leadership's recent comments about one particular minority, that has shifted their votes to other parties.

On Fourth of July do not vote Labour.

Rochdale voter 01

That minority group is the Bangladeshi community, former Labour loyalists, however, Keir Starmer's recent comments about deporting Bangladeshi asylum seekers has hit a raw nerve.

I'm probably the third generation (Bangladeshi) here now. And our parents, our grandparents have been here and saying they came in rubber boats and saying stuff like that; I don't think he's got his facts right.

And if he hasn't got his facts right I don't think he's worthy to be a leader. 

Rochdale voter

When he won the by-election a few months ago Mr. Galloway told the Labour Party leader he had done it for Gaza.

Well, of course, it is still for Gaza because the slaughter continues. Amazing, I've been, well over three months now, a Member of Parliament and the slaughter is at the same rate of intensity, and indeed is spreading.

George Galloway, MP for Rochdale, Workers Party of Britain

In just a few days, George Galloway could return to parliament with an even bigger voice in national life on the left of politics.

This politician says he's on track now to make real political progress, progress that the people in Rochdale are voting for.

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