'No Bombs, Just Bubbles': Children lead pro-Palestine protest in Rotterdam

Families organized a children's protest called 'No Bombs, Just Bubbles' in Rotterdam on Sunday in support of children in Gaza.

Footage shows kids, accompanied by their parents, leading the marches and chanting pro-Palestine slogans. They were as well seen wearing keffiyehs, carrying Palestinian flags, and holding pictures of young Gazan victims.

"Some countries think they are above the law, and that should be changed. That's why we taught our children to feel humanity [...] Muslim, Christians, from all kinds and countries. Black, white and yellow, from all around the world. They are seeing what is going on, so they tried to make this demonstration," said Abu Mohammad, a pro-Palestine activist.

"Try to see yourself as a father there in Gaza, how are you going to feel? [...] You see your children turn to pieces, with all your dreams that they grow up in a normal life and have their dreams come true. The only dream the children have there is to stay alive," he added.

The event marked the first children's protest in the Netherlands, attracting considerable attention from onlookers. According to local media reports, ice cream was distributed to cheer up the young participants.

(Source: AFP)

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